TEXT: Hebrews 11:1, 6
Faith is an important subject in christianity. Without it, our faith as Christians is worthless and colourless. Salvation, healing, deliverance, protection, victory over life's battles, unlimited advancement, all-round fruitfulness, and anything that adds value to life cannot be secured from God without faith.
Every exploit recorded in Hebrews 11 is a direct product of faith. Through faith, these heroes of faith brought evidence to the things they hoped for; through their faith, they brought God into the centre of their situations. Faith carries a magnetic force that will always arrest the attention of divinity in man's affairs. Our faith in God and His word is the true foundation of our walk with Him. "But without faith, it is impossible to please Him" (Heb. 11:6).
Faith is the practical expression of confidence in God and His word. (Heb. 10:35–36; Dan. 3:17–18). It is acting on God's word; an act motivated by the word of God (1Sam. 1:17-18). Faith is not just believing in God; it is obeying God.
Dearly beloved in the Lord, faith is one of the major principles you must engage in if you truly desire to experience unlimited advancement and all-round fruitfulness in 2024. There are a couple of steps of faith that you must take in order to access all that God has ordained for your life in this very important season:
✓ Have faith in God and in His Word and act as you are required to (2Chron. 20:20b; John 4:46–50; Luke 5:4-6)
✓ Have faith in the ministry of God's servants strategically positioned around you to speak into your life, situations and destiny (2Chron. 20:20b).
These, and several other steps of faith you must take. You are to put your faith to work and refuse to be discouraged by anything that the devil is doing to rob you of your unlimited advancement and all-round fruitfulness.
Prayer: Heavenly Father, help me to put my faith to work so I can achieve and become all that you have designed for my life this year in Jesus precious name, Amen.