TOPIC: Live a Life of Faithfulness Unto God and Man
TEXT: Luke 16:10-15
The Bible shows us God's faithfulness to His people on numerous occasions, including saving the Israelites from Egypt, opening Sarah's womb in old age, and delivering David in battles.
However, according to the Bible, we must also be faithful to God.
Faithfulness can be defined as unwavering loyalty that resists change.
From our text (Luke 16:13), Jesus said we cannot serve God and mammon. This means we must be faithful to God. Faithfulness to God and men is also buttressed by 1 Corinthians 4:2: "Moreover, it is required in stewards that a man be found faithful."
How can we be faithful to others, and what does it mean to be faithful to God?
Being faithful does not mean perfection. It does not imply that we will not face difficulties or make bad choices.
To be faithful, there must be some evidence of our faith in God. A faithful Christian will always produce fruit.
Faithfulness does not mean that we will be perfect. It does not mean that we will not struggle or that we will not make poor decisions. It does mean that we will continue to trust in God and try to follow His commandments even when life is difficult.
Being faithful to God entails loving Him back, rendering service to Him, following His guidance, and having faith that He will provide for us. To man/men, it means rendering godly and selfless service.
God is aware of our potential. He is aware that not everyone is gifted and has the same opportunities. He holds each of us accountable based on our faithfulness.
He wants us to make the most of the abilities and resources that have been bestowed on us. Additionally, He wants us to do more than just keep our gifts hidden.
When we live a life of faithfulness, we will increase on all sides, and God will continue to bless us.
Prayer: Lord, Jesus Christ, enable me to remain faithful by the power of your Holy Spirit. Let me not only be fruitful here on earth by reason of my faithfulness, but receive a crown in heaven. Amen.